Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun Filled First Week

My first week as a new intern has been a blast!

On Tuesday, Tracie helped me get aquatinted with the kitchen and the daily routine. Also, I was able to assist in making some delectable chocolate brownies. I highly recommend trying them as they will surely satiate your chocolate needs.

On Wednesday, Nissa showed me how the Blacksburg market works. She ran me through the set up routine and introduced me to some of the regulars. Throughout the afternoon, she also educated me about the ingredients in the baked goods and a few of the stories behind them. Seeing people enjoy our hard work is definitely going to be one of the most rewarding parts of the experience.

Thursday I was able to work with both Ashley and Nissa. One of my jobs was to assist Nissa with making oat power cookies. If you haven't tried them yet, you must! They're the perfect blend of chocolaty, sweet, crunchy, and nutty goodness. Ashley showed me how to finish off and package the cookies, while trying to stay one step ahead of Nissa's baking. They have a great system and everyone works harmoniously together.

On Friday, I worked closely with Nissa to make a variety of humus's and olive tapenade. We concluded the day by getting ready for Saturdays' markets.

So far I've learned that flexibility and creativity are going to make a great recipe for solving any challenge we may come across. Everyone is extremely inviting and I had a great time working with the girls this past week. I'm looking forward to the weeks to come!



  1. We're so excited to have you! Welcome to the team!!! :o)

  2. Great Job with so much to learn during your first week Erin! Thanks for bringing such a positive spirit and inthusiasm to our team! Looking forward to the future!
